What is there in CyberSecurity?

3 min readJun 29, 2023


‘Cybersecurity’, the word itself, is a blend of two words. Cyber means computerised stuff and security means protection. Merging the words means safeguarding the virtual information. Cybersecurity is a modern term and was coined once, when the virtual confidential information belonging to a person or an organisation was stolen or modified or exploited. It became necessary to protect and safeguard one’s information with some safety measures. These safety measures include setting up passwords, biometric recognition devices that allow only the trusted ones to peep your information.

Cybersecurity consists of several types including:

Network Security: It involves implementing the hardware and software to secure a computer network from unauthorised access.

Identity management: It deals with the procedure for determining the level of access that each individual has within an organisation.

Cloud Security: It involves protecting the information stored in the digital environment or cloud architectures for the organisation. It uses various cloud service providers such as AWS, Azure, Google, etc., to ensure security against multiple threats.

Likewise, the types are endless for ensuring an absolute security of your data.

Cybersecurity is spiced up, once Cyber Crimes comes to light. As it is said, ‘Need’ is the mother of ‘Invention’, in the same way, cyber attacks inculcated the need for content protection which led to the invention of ‘Cybersecurity’. Most of us have been victims to such crimes or atleast have heard about such cyber related crimes from a close one of ours.

The most common types of cyber crime includes: email frauds, social media frauds, banking frauds, ransomware attacks, cyber espionage, identity theft, clickjacking, spyware. Let’s get on why these crimes are so common on a daily basis. Cybercriminals always opt for an easy way to make big money. They target rich people or rich organisations like banks, casinos, and financial firms where a huge amount of money flows daily and hack sensitive information. Catching such criminals is difficult. Quite a web series has been filmed to spread awareness and provide us with measures to avoid such situations.

Cybersecurity even includes the installation of an anti-virus because it is a safety measure from trojans and malware. While discussing it, we must consider the CIA triad. The CIA triad refers to an information security model made up of the three main components: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

Confidentiality, includes access to the trusted individuals. Integrity represents the original content that was published by the author with no modifications that weren’t introduced by the owner of the document website or content. Availability means the document created is available to the owner and the members allowed to access it at the time of need.

With the advancement in technology and digitization of the world is providing us with more cybersecurity as digitization also increased the rate of cybercrimes. With some precautions and knowledge about Cybersecurity saves us from such attacks. Cybersecurity is a booming computer field for now and for the future as well.

Shivani Kanamarlapudi
GDSC Community Member

P.S: This blog won the Technical Blogging Competition Conducted by Google Developer Student Clubs Team 2022–23




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